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August 19 2013, 12:00 PM

Reverse the harem polarity.

So yeah, we got two reviews for two different reverse harem shows today. (Both written by guys too.)

Aiden starts off first with Amnesia, a proper train wreck of a show if there ever was one. Aiden mostly blames the lead.

I'm vastly luckier in my choice (which I synchroed with Tim); Neo Angelique Abyss, a bit of an oddball as far as reverse harems go. But unlike Aiden, I had a good time with my show, if not necessarily for intentional reasons.

So that's it for now. See you in a few.

- Stig Høgset.

August 12 2013, 2:31 PM

Cthulhu is Never Patient

So...yeah, there was no update last week, and that was partially my fault. Sorry about that. Witness my slowly being devoured by cephalopods now....

On the bright side, both of today's reviews have plenty of positive things to say...though "bright" might not be the best word to use for Flowers of Evil, among the darkest series made in recent years and, in Tim's opinion, one of the best shows of the season. click here to read his thoughts.

Stig, meanwhile, tackles a fairly benign take on the Cthulhu mythos: the sequel to the harem-comedy Nyarko-San: Another Crawling Chaos. He definitely likes it a bit more than Aiden liked the original, and in his view it avoids making some of the genre's typical mistakes.

We're scheduled to be back next week: we'll have something from Aiden and possibly something from me if I don't lose my arms to Cthulhu's wrath. I suppose dictation is always an option...

Nick Browne

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