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September 26 2011, 5:48 PM

It's THEM Anime Staff Q&A Time Again!

First off, give a hand to Stig for his work on the posting of said editorial.

And now, as promised, the follow-up to our 2009 staff member Q&A. We got a lot more questions than we did two years ago, so the editorial is actually divided into two parts. Click on here for part one, and then click here for part two.

Once again, thanks to Stig for the HTML round-up, and then to all of you for asking us questions. See you again for round 3 one day!

- Tim Jones

September 26 2011, 3:42 AM

A Year For This?

Hello again. Animé is full of clichés but Katanagatari manages to avoid all of them, including those especially obnoxious ones like having characters you can relate to or a worthwhile plot. Definitely unique and I hope it stays that way for a long, long time to come.

No more from me until November so I hand you over, once again, into the loving arms of Tim and Stig. Adieu.

-Aiden Foote

September 19 2011, 6:23 PM

Gather Round Hustlers, That's If You're Still Living

THEMers are really bad about retiring- soon as we think we're done, we find reasons to give this gig another shot. I'm back with a review for a meaty but disappointing series: noitaminA's C. Economics is a personal fascination of mine, and the last few years have seen a lot of terrific popular writing about the politics, theory and mathematics of the dismal science Stateside, and while I hoped C would contribute to that, it was not to be. Click this link to find out how I feel about magical demon-girls learning to love ramen.

Next week is another review from Aiden. Until then.

-Bradley Meek

September 19 2011, 1:14 PM

The 2nd Round of Asking THEM Anime Reviews Staff Questions Is Closed

As I earlier said back on September 5th with it closing in two weeks, further questions are closed. Thanks to those who sent in questions! The editorial with said answers will be posted next Monday. See you then.

- Tim Jones

September 12 2011, 4:20 PM

"I have seen the future... and it's MURDER!"

Hello, everyone. Today we got a little something of a murder mystery from Diane. The title in question is Loups-Garous, and... well... as for what else is going on, your guess is as good as mine.

Next week sees the return of Aiden Foote, our newest staff member. Until then....

- Stig Høgset.

September 5 2011, 3:04 PM

Ask THEM Anime Reviews Staff Questions Again!

Hey everyone. We're going to open a second round of Q&A with our THEM Anime Staff. For those who don't remember what it like last time, here's a link to the editorial we did 2 years back.

Basically, you guys ask us questions, and we will answer them in a future editorial. The rules are pretty simple:

1.) You may send up to 10 questions each to any of the participating staff.

2.) You can ask us anything regarding us personally, our hobby, or other hobbies.

The 20 questions we find the most interesting will be posted in a future editorial. Questions can be posted either on a thread on the forum, or by mailing us individual members. At the time, the following staff members are participating:

Tim Jones (Morning Blue) -
Stig Hogset (Northlander) -
Aiden Foote (Rephaim GG) -
Robert Nelson (purplehaze9) -
Bradley Meek (EveryNameTaken) -
Carlos Ross (miwasatoshi) -

Questions can be submitted any time between now and September 19th at Midnight Eastern time. The editorial with said answers will be posted on September 26th.

Happy asking!

- Tim Jones

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